Bird Nest Cupcakes

I've been sick this week with a virus, hence my lack of postings! But I'm finally feeling better and have the need to bake like mad.  And with Easter impending, I'm sure all of us are baking like mad and trying out new chocolate-filled recipes.  So, I'd like to share with you a cute way of decorating cupcakes for Easter.  The nest on top of the cupcake is made out of flakes and the eggs inside are either mini easter eggs or sugar-coated chocolate eggs.  If you want to make it even cuter, build your flake-nest and pop a little chicken inside.

24 chocolate cupcakes, iced
1 bag of mini flakes
Variety of mini chocolate easter eggs (eg. sugar coated, wrapped, caramel filled)
Easter chickens, if desired

To assemble the bird nest cupcake, line your cupcakes in a row.  Unwrap the flakes and chop them slightly to create a log-like appearance for the nests.  Try making some thin and some thick.  Arrange these chopped flakes around the outside of the iced cupcake, leave a whole in the middle.  Fill the whole with a wrapped mini egg or a few small sugar coated eggs; alternatively fill the whole with an easter chicken.  Serve.
I'm sharing this at Sweets for Saturday #12


  1. These are so sweet. I hope you're feeling better soon x

  2. I love this idea and hope you are feeling much better soon x

  3. Hope you feel better this weekend. I love Easter bakes and these are very sweet!

  4. Très original comme cupcakes, j'adore!!

  5. Sorry to hear you've been unwell and glad to hear your on the mend. Those Bird Nest Cupcakes are so adorable and perfect for Easter!


  6. Aw, so cute! I love the use of flakes as the nest, so yummmmyyy.
    Glad to hear that you are feeling better, I was looking forward to the next post :) Now you can go bakeaholic!

  7. Cute idea Brittany - pleased to know you are much better.

  8. How adorable!
    I hope you feel better soon. Sometimes baking is the best medicine. :)

  9. Hope you're feeling better!
    This is soo adorable! happy easter.

  10. So glad that you are feeling better... I just knew that you would have cute, creative and delicious ideas for Easter!


  11. Your cupcakes are so cute! Glad that you are feeling much better. Did not realize that Easter is just round the corner! How time really flies!
    Have a lovely weekend, Brittany!

  12. I missed you Britanny, hope you feel better, I love your birds nest! are really cute, I have to make something to Easter, huggs gloria

  13. So cute! Hope you feel better :)

  14. Chère Brittany, you are way too talented!!

  15. Ils ont l'air super ces cupcakes!

  16. The cupcakes look super sweet!! Hope you feel better, I am struggling myself here not to catch a cold, the weather has been very moody lately...

  17. Awww this looks so cute!!! I love your easter cupcakes! If I find some time, I'll try to make some!

  18. Awww,the cupcakes look so cute! I was doing some easter baking this week, too. All chocolate things :)
    I'm glad you're feeling better!
    Have a nice weekend!

  19. How festive and cute!!! Love the idea, Brittany! You always have such cheerful posts!


  20. Cute cupcakes! Glad you're feeling better!:)

  21. How fabulously cute and creative. I would make these if I celebrated Easter and was around kids :).

  22. Howdy, young Missy?
    Sad to hear that your not feeling better. I guess it's from your weather now. Autumn? I was sick from Dec 13-March 6 on & off. Viruses sometimes, ended to an acute "something" so take care. Lots of rest, k?

    Hmmm... this cupcakes looks really yummy and artistic. A must "try".

    Happy Sunday to you...

  23. Im glad youre feeling better! I love the little nest cupcakes, anything with a little fuzzy birdy wins with me.

  24. Glad you're feeling better. Great way of aiding recovery and your cupcake nests look lovely.

  25. A lovely idea, Brittany. My boys would love those those little cupcake nests!

  26. I do hope you are fully recovered now. Flake (along with most of my other childhood favorites)are sadly unavailable in the part of the US where I live now. They are generally quite expensive when they do appear in the international market, but they are worth the splurge.

  27. awww! that's so cute! My girls would love these cupcake nests!

  28. I bought mini flakes too, a few weeks ago, in a little english shop in Antibes ... Didn't know how to use them ... Now I know ... Easter's coming and I'll try your little nests ... ;o)
    Have a good day

  29. Get well soon!
    What a lovely idea...I'm all in favour of anything that gets MORE chocolate onto a cupcake!

  30. Very sweet! I'll be giving this a try myself I think.

  31. SO cute. Flakes are one of favorite candy bars!

  32. Cute Easter cupcakes! I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better:) Have a great week as you get back into baking.

  33. These are adorable! Especially with the little chick! Hope you are feeling better!

  34. Glad to read that your pesky virus didn't get the best of you or your talents.

    Adorable cupcakes for me to try with the kiddies at the community center.

    Brittany, stay strong.
    All the best, Claudia

  35. What a cute little Easter treat. Totally irresistible. Thanks for linking these up to Sweets for a Saturday.


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