Summer Couscous Salad

My family and I have been at the beach for the past few days.  (I even got stung by a bluebottle jellyfish! Ouch). On our first sunny afternoon, we enjoyed this salad alongside a BBQ. It's refreshing, healthy and nutritious; which is the perfect food to care for our bodies particularly during Australia's hot summers. This also screams Christmas for me, as when I think of Christmas it must be hot weather tempered with cooling foods, cold meats, airconditoner and a nice blue pool.

2 medium sweet potato, chopped into 2-3cm thick slices
4 zucchinis, chopped thinly and diagonally
1 can baby beetroot, drained, sliced
2 cups cooked couscous, cooled
1 bag of spinach leaves
3 tbsp chopped fresh parsely

Ingredients for Salad dressing
1 tsp orange rind
1/4 cup fresh orange juice
1 tsp dijon mustard
2 tbsp white wine vinegar

Prepare couscous and set aside to cool.  Grill sweet potato, in batches, until soft enough to eat.  Proceed to grill zucchini slices in batches too. Set aside vegetables to cool.  When couscous and vegetables are both cool, toss together in a large salad bowl.  Add the spinach leaves, chopped beetroot and parsely.  In a jar, shake together the ingredients for salad dressing.  Pour over salad bowl before serving.


  1. Thank you for your sweet comment on Have the Cake! Your blog is gorgeous and your recipes are just phenomenal. I'm your newest follower.

  2. That looks delicious! I love salads(: I'm so jealous that it's summer over there! It's really cold in Minnesota. It snows every friday too.

  3. How very colourful I love beetroot in salad ~ that's until I spill it !! Oh I nearly missed your beautiful rocky road ~ that's a must for Christmas visitors.

  4. Ssssssssssshhhhhhhh! You are making me homesick ;0)

  5. This looks delicious and I will definitely be putting it on my Christmas list of eats :)

  6. What a wonderful salad. It looks so delicious. It is so funny that it is summer there and 15 degrees here in the Boston area. I am so cold and That must have been awful to be stung by a jellyfish. I have heard it is very painful. I hope the pain did not last too long; though, I have a feeling it did:(

  7. No beach to go to here...just freezing rain
    But I shall make this anyway and fantasize...


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