Lentil and Dried Cranberry Salad

Cranberries are definitely a christmas fruit.  However, in Australia I've never seen fresh cranberries! So instead, we make Lentil and Dried Cranberry Salad.  It has graced our Christmas table for the past 2 years; and hopefully may grace yours too.  If the weather doesn't suit it...wait till summer rolls around for you.  You won't regret keeping this recipe!

1 x 400g can of lentils, drained and rinsed
1/2 cup dried cranberries
200g spinach leaves or mixed salad leaves with shredded beetroot
2 carrots, washed, peeled and grated
1/2 red capsicum, deseeded, diced finely

Toss all ingredients in a salad bowl.  Serve!


  1. I love everything cranberries, both fresh and dried. They both cost a small fortune in France but I buy them and bake with them anyway. I should now start using them in salads, too; great recipe! Happy Holidays!

  2. I seriously have all of these ingredients in my house *right now* (except the red pepper), and I am going to make this for dinner tonight. :) Thank you!!!

  3. I love cranberries as well and this sounds delicious. It is just a bit cold here at the moment for salads. We have been snowed in since Saturday!! I discovered all my pumpkins and potatoes from summer in France that are stored here in the garage have frozen solid!! Made masses of soup yesterday but there is too much and not enough space in my freezer!!!Diane

  4. P.S. I was having a look-see at all the wonderful things you have made (ahhhhh, all the great Rocky Road recipes!), and noting all the wonderful comments you've gotten, too! Can you remember when you did not have many followers, and you posted on the Lunch in Paris site about how to get more readers, and I answered, "Go and comment on other sites!"? Look at you! Such a success now with 111 followers and so many comments on each post! I bet you feel really good now about the success of your blog, right? I think it is fantastic, and I hope you feel really happy about it. GOOD WORK. ;-)

  5. Wonderful recipe - I love lentils, especially in salads.

  6. This sounds like a wonderful holiday salad. How sad not to have fresh cranberries on hand for the holidays. Can you get them frozen? I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  7. This looks nice and healthy! I've got lots of fresh cranberries to use so there will be quite a few posts with them on my blog soon.

  8. @ Karin, hello again! Thanks for the compliment. And yes I do remember! I felt so blog lonely. Thanks for your advice.

    @ Diane I can't even imagine what being "snowed in" would be like! Are you very scared? Soup would be the perfect meal in that weather.

    @ Mary I'll have to investigate that! I've never SEEN frozen cranberries, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I can't wait to one day try the fresh stuff.

  9. I love cranberries, both fresh and dried! We've been eating lots of salads recently, and this one looks healthful and delicious!


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